Thursday, January 27, 2011

A long time coming...

So first let me apologize and make excuses for my blog delay... my internet went down again, so it truly is not my fault... This doesn't change the fact that it has been weeks and so writing a blog to cover all that has happened since cabbages remains a daunting task. I will do my best...

One definite highlight was the children coming home from their holidays... for many, they had been away for four months, and while we had had a lovely time here without them, we definitely missed them.

 Here is an excerpt from my journal on January 9, the day after they came home...

' Homecomings were beautiful yesterday and we still have some to go. The day was full of an air of eager expectation and each time a child came in the gate it was like something missing was being returned. The day was full of the sweetness of smiles as dear friends reunited and the glorious spontaneous play as if all the days apart must be made up for in that one moment.

Devotions and dinner the hall felt alive again with a festive air of reunion, and I know we are all eager to see our last dear ones returned.

Even the babies shared the joy. I was there in the morning and when two of the girls came in, the two babies they are close to streaked towards them with the biggest smiles'.

It really was so good to see everyone, and I think after being away, everybody appreciates each other more.

The children returned and then school began... and they were ready. As for me, I was ready too, and was happy to see my position as a teacher more fully integrated into the school. This term I am teaching grade 4, 5, 6 and 7 English as well as assorted PE, and instead of taking part of the class like last term, I am teaching the whole grade(each between 14-20 students) in their normal classrooms of tin. I keep my books in the staff office, and can enter and exit without feeling like I need to explain my presence. Even sometimes I do my marking in their although if the weather is nice, I try and mark outside. I feel like I am making progress with the teachers too as they more fully accept my presence. It has been really good, and over the last two weeks I have developed some good strategies and I like to think my students like me, if at times are amused by my antics... I will dedicate another blog entry more fully to school soon...

Another event of the past few weeks was going to Nairobi to see my fellow mzungu off to the airport as after eight months she is returned to Canada. She is missed by the children and myself, and I was glad to be able to go and see her off. I was supposed to have found my own lodging, but last minute realized I didn't have any viable options, and begged my way along anyways. Friday night, after good-byes at the airport, I slept on the Madam's sisters coach, and spent most of the next morning following her sister around to the bank and phone store as she sorted out matters as her phone had been stolen the day before. Her sister lives in one of the suburbs and it was fun to just be in the part of town that people live in and to people watch. Then that afternoon we met up with the Madam, ran some errands with her, were supposed to return to Hope that evening, but because the driver wasn't feeling well ended up staying another night, this time in a guest house near the Madam's house. Life is always an adventure, and the weekend had its share of absurd moments, but it is good to have those to look back and laugh on when things are business as usual here...

Other funny occasions include the next weekend getting locked in the Madam's sitting room for several hours when she forgot that myself and two of the girls were organizing the storage when she left to Naivasha to pick up some chickens... and locked her gate... it was really quite funny and they found a way to lift our lunch onto the balcony so we did not go hungry. It is good to finally have the chickens too, and to think that in six months eggs can be added again to the children's diet.

In other news, the mzungu quarters didn't stay quiet for long as two women from Canada are currently here. One is the big partner and the other came along with her. They have been doing  a lot to prepare for some more little babies(four is the number I heard) who are coming tomorrow(somehow I find it hard to believe anything until it happens, but they probably will in fact come tomorrow...which is kind of exciting). It is nice having them here, but it is funny too because I can see how everything changes(and probably adjusted when I came too) when visitors come. Nothing major but just little adjustments to make them feel more welcome, and being somewhere in the middle, it can be funny, and a little painful at times, to see. I have crossed the line to familiar, but still am foreign... it is hard to try and explain...

This month has been overall really good though. I feel like my life here is full of potential. With relationships with the children and with teaching, there is a lot of promise. My days are full and busy and I feel part of what is going on around me. With six months in Kenya remaining, I am ready to make the most of each day, and feel so very blessed to have the opportunity to be here, in true SALT fashion, serving and learning...

As always, I love emails, to hear how things are going back home in your lives... assuming anyone actually reads this thing beyond my parents and grandparents:)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nicola, This is Elle. What is your email? I'd love to stay in touch more.
