Friday, August 27, 2010

Nairobi traffic and a fieldtrip to Uhuru gardens...

Yesterday we got a good taste of Nairobi, or at least Nairobi traffic before a holiday. Even our teacher seemed surprised at how bad it was, but they already had closed several larger roads in anticipation of today. I was curious whether she would actually try to brave Nairobi this morning for our lessons, and wasn't surprised when she called to say there were no mtatus out. I will write more about constitution day later though. Right now I want to give account for yesterday...

The reason we got to experience our airless, exhaust heavy, ganster music laden bumper to bumper, at times standstill, at times slightly terrifying mtatu ride home was a trip and picnic at the Uhur Gardens. Uhuru means freedom and the gardens mark the place where the Kenya flag was first lifted for independence in 1963. The gardens are beautiful, mostly just grass and trees, but with a monument at one end commemorating the 20th anniversity. Our teacher said that in her experience most Kenyans don't like parks and probably even those nearby would likely have not visited the gardens... There were some people there, but mostly school groups on holiday playing soccer. Rather than having one long holiday like back home, schools take off every August, December and April. I rather like that model, and it means I will be getting to Hope right as school resumes.

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